Friday, January 1, 2010

The end...

Christmas break is coming to an end my friends and I would like to say I am sad, but that would be a lie. True, I will miss my family very much while I am away at college again, but that will only help me to miss them more in the future. I had an amazing time with everyone. My sister, her husband, and darling little girl drove out here from their new home in California to spend the holiday with us. I also got to see my "newly-wed" brother and his wonderful wife, as well as spend time with both my mother and father and their families; and not to forget my other siblings as well. They are just included. For the first time in almost two years, I got to talk to my step-brother Drew who is on his mission in Australia, and he is doing great. He has that missionary voice... Do you know what I mean? Its weird... But, Christmas was great and I got a whole lot more than I ever expected. I am most excited about my Spiderman watch I won at a white elephant gift exchange, it is awesome. It will match perfectly with my adventure pack. Enough said. It doesn't take much to make me happy. But both my parents (well I guess I should say all my parents) were so wonderful and generous and I am so very thankful for them. The best part of my break was being with family, I love them all!

To tell you the truth, I can't think of anything quirky or fun to say but I am off to college to start my second semester. I don't know what lies ahead, but I look forward to it!

Until we meet again.