Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Bad Year for Tomatoes

I had the wonderful opportunity to be in the final production in Snow College's theatre season. It was a comedy called "A Bad Year for Tomatoes", and it was so much fun to be in! I played the part of Cora Gump. I southern girl with a lot of spunk who wasn't afraid of saying what she was thinking, or afraid to drink a little. And by a litte... I mean a lot! Apparently I'm good at pretending to be drunk... I don't know if thats a good thing... The show had only seven characters total in it. 4 girls and 3 boys, so it was a very small, tightly knit cast. I can't believe that I even got to be in it, it was a huge opportunity. My family and friends were great supports to me in this role, and I never had to perform a night where there wasn't somebody there to see me. Most of my friends came multiple nights, and Justin came to all of them. Oh how I love my fans! Thanks guys, you truly are the best! I also love every single one of my co-stars very much, they were great friends when the stress of the show was getting to me. The show only ran for four performances but it was a huge success. But after drinking two bottles of apple juice a night for two weeks straight, lets just say apple juice is not my friend... ugh.

Almost the whole cast of the show... good lookin'
bunch huh?
"Willa Mae Willcox, Reba Harper, and Cora Gump"

Yes, my dress was shaped like a rectangle...
Man, I'm going to be goodlooking when I'm old... :D
"you can say that again...."

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